Johnson Controls Digital Solutions outshine competing security technology at GSX 2019


Steven Bowcut of Brilliance Security Magazine recently attended the Global Security Exchange Conference (GSX) where he was introduced to a number of Johnson Controls latest integrated security solutions. In his recap article, Bowcut reviewed the Converged Cyber – Physical Security and Assurance Services Digital Solutions, writing: “Integrated security solutions have turned a corner. No longer limited to interfacing, or even integrating disparate systems, we have finally arrived at that place where the same level of data harnessing and analysis enjoyed by cybersecurity systems for a few years not can be baked into modern integrated physical security solutions.

“If you have ever chaffed against being forced to choose between the confidence of doing business with a large well-established security company and the ability to leverage the latest in technology, we urge you to take a look at what Johnson Controls Digital Solutions has to offer.”

To read Bowcut’s full review of the innovative, integrated security solutions he encountered at the conference, visit:

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Digital Solutions

Johnson Controls Digital Solutions connect buildings and occupants to actionable insights and detailed data for comfort and safety.