Seeing is believing

When an alarm is triggered, a 20-second pre- and post-alarm video clip is automatically sent to our monitoring center. There, our operators can view the clip of what may have caused the alarm, sending a text message with event video clips to designated contacts on your list for immediate viewing.

Alarm light icon

Quickly discern threats from false alarms

Video verification can result in a prioritized response and greater chance of apprehending intruders while reducing unnecessary interruptions.

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Ensure compliance with municipal regulations

Our solution helps you avoid costly fines and can even help save on business insurance with eligible monitoring discounts.

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Reliable protection across multiple locations

Supported by highly trained technicians and a nationwide monitoring network, this scalable solution is ideal for multisite facilities.

Two people looking at a monitor

Visibility and control at your fingertips

The customer – armed with the correct information, is the one who decides whether to cancel or dispatch. To maintain privacy, we do not electronically share information with the authorities. 
Customers can also review and participate in the decision-making process via text message, gaining visibility and control wherever they are—no app required. This functionality also eliminates the need to visit the business site to assess the event.
The information contained in the text feeds gives our customers more detail, increasing situational awareness and improving the response time of the authorities. Quicker reactions also mean a greater chance of reducing loss at your location.

Operators are trained to wait two minutes for a response before taking any action, allowing individuals time to review text messages and video clips. If, after two minutes, they receive no contact from the customer, our operators will follow the Standard Operating Procedures previously agreed upon between Johnson Controls and the customer.

Unmatched security and proactive monitoring

At the heart of our advanced security solutions is the Johnson Central Monitoring Center, designed to be the epicenter of proactive video monitoring.   
This dedicated team staffed by an expansive network of engineers and security professionals can watch your facilities twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. They’ll help ensure correct prioritization and alarm response, comply to standard operating procedures and maintain business continuity.

Security team members watching monitors

Learn more about Visual Alarm Verification

Contact us today to get the visibility and control you need to minimize disruptive events while enhancing your business's security and response time.

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