Ensuring student safety with advanced technology in a southeastern school district


By Julie Brown, Institutional Market Leader, Johnson ControlsHeadshot of Julie Brown, Institutional Market Leader, Johnson Controls

The rise of tragic incidents on school campuses in recent years has drastically changed the role of security and how it’s viewed by students, parents and faculty. School districts across the country are investing in technology and solutions that enable school officials and security teams to have real-time communication with first responders for prompt action. With this in mind, one southeastern school began its journey to better protect its students and staff from unexpected threats and emergencies on campus.

A collaborative approach to campus safety

Recognizing the importance of protecting students and staff from potential active shooter violence, the southeastern private charter school was interested in adopting gunshot detection technology. Before implementing the technology into their security strategy, the school worked with the local police department on opportunities for collaboration including communication and accurate information sharing. To identify the appropriate technology and determine the best way to communicate with emergency personnel and occupants during emergencies, the district needed to partner with an experienced security vendor that could help.

To identify the appropriate technology and determine the best way to communicate with emergency personnel and occupants during emergencies, the district needed to partner with an experienced security vendor that could help.

Strategic partnerships lead to improved protection

The school district enlisted Johnson Controls to implement a safety plan. Working closely with the local police department, Johnson Controls helped the district install active shooter detection technology in three of its schools, as well as integrate with the police department’s 911 call center and computer aided dispatch software. By integrating these systems, local law enforcement can quickly identify the signal of a gunshot from the 911 center with ample information on the location and timing, allowing police to immediately act and communicate with other first responders as needed.

This more integrated approach to security helps better protect students and faculty in the case of an emergency or threat, while also reducing false alarms and streamlining communication.

Security upgrades enhance K-12 school environment

By upgrading safety technology, this southeastern school has transitioned from one with unlocked doors to one with an established security system and recognition as a premier secure school in the state. The new system gives current and prospective parents peace of mind when sending their children to school and gives students comfort in knowing they are safe on campus.

Is your school district in need of improved protection?

Learn how Johnson Controls can help make your institution a safer environment for all students, staff, and visitors



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