A glimpse into the everyday ‘new normal’ of commercial building facilities


Johnson Controls offers solutions that can modernize critical building systems with operating strategies and equipment configuration that can accommodate new requirements so you can keep staff members, visitors, and customers safe and secure. 

Air Ventilation Systems: Control Systems increase outdoor airflow while adjusting room temperatures and humidity to reduce the transfer of COVID-19. Ventilation rates can also be modified according to actual space occupancy throughout the day to reduce unnecessary costs.

Round-the-clock Solutions: When there are no occupants in the building, spaces go into unoccupied ventilation mode and ventilate at a reduced rate. Disinfectant lighting also helps disinfect the air in restrooms and other spaces.

Keeping Building Occupants Safe: Employees and visitors are screened with thermal scanning cameras. In case of elevated skin temperature, they are asked to wait in highly ventilated negative pressure isolation rooms to avoid infecting others.

Remote Security Operations: Occupant detection systems are installed to enforce social distancing and support occupant contact tracing. The video and perimeter protection systems also help monitor nearby activity.