Modernizing Connected Security Systems with a Central Command Center


By Neal Vanskiver, Vice President, National Accounts, Johnson Controls 

Enhancing security is critical for any organization to protect its occupants and assets, and outdated systems can make or break a customer’s overall security strategy. One large east coast convention center knew that its outdated technology made it vulnerable to potential security risks and began seeking new solutions that would help create a safer facility. In addition, they wanted stable maintenance costs in order to maintain budget consistency and prolong the useful life of the system.

Under the old system, the convention center had a higher risk of theft and potential security breaches, upgrading security systems would help protect occupants during large events with high-profile attendees. To enable more efficient and effective coordination, the center upgraded their existing analog cameras with a more modern, digital placement that provided greater coverage and integrated with emergency services.

To enable more efficient and effective coordination, the center upgraded their existing analog cameras with a more modern, digital placement that provided greater coverage and integrated with emergency services.

Integrating security to ensure participant safety

The center wanted to base security retrofits off of a metropolitan facility of the same size that hosted similar events and had analogous building pain points. This would allow Johnson Controls experts to better understand the building technology and security of a convention center of this capacity and mitigate those existing pain points. Leveraging the same contractor knowledge, Johnson Controls updated the security system by installing high-resolution digital cameras, and renovating the Security Operations Center and adjunct Command Center. The security operations center was renovated with enhanced 4K high-definition video walls, modern workstations, and a theatre style Command Center, to maintain a connected space, enhance network infrastructure and minimize camera outages. Upon completion of this initial project the second phase will include license plate recognition, outside speakers, and potentially Elevated Skin Temperature Scanning solutions.

Modernizing the security operations system for a connected facility

The installations made by Johnson Controls left the convention center with a more efficient command center that allows facilities managers to coordinate with emergency services and local security personnel in real-time, while overseeing events all from one place. In addition, the installation of state-of-the-art cameras expanded the monitored square footage by eliminating blind spots, identifying potential risks, and helping facilities managers understand what is happening in the center at all times. By upgrading security, the convention center is better equipped to protect its property, vendors and event attendees all through one central command station.

We never know what the future may bring, but with the right security solutions in place, facilities managers can rest assured knowing their occupants are protected at all times. Learn more about our security offerings for sports and entertainment venues here.

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