Healthy Buildings Survey Shows Key Trends


Johnson Controls announced results of independent surveys of 800+ building decision makers showing a clear shift to increased investment in healthy building trends and technologies.

“At the center of a vision for a healthy world must be healthy buildings, and that means delivering on the most critical elements to serve People, Place and Planet,” said George Oliver, CEO of Johnson Controls. “Our OpenBlue technologies reinvent the building landscape, creating dynamic smart facilities that help businesses meet their sustainability commitments, while delivering healthy places, enriched experiences and cost savings. Johnson Controls leads the industry in translating new building technology capabilities into game-changing solutions that deliver on our focus of People, Place and Planet.”

OpenBlue healthy building trends and technologies

The survey of facilities operators showed a range of specific investment priorities to meet goals for Healthy People, Healthy Places and a Healthy Planet.

Download the Vertical Pulse Surveys

Cross Industry Pulse Survey

In late 2020, in the effort to get more people back to offices quickly — and safely — Johnson Controls set out to assess how firms across industries are creating healthier buildings.

A blind survey conducted of more than 400 firms across a mix of company sizes in the U.S. and Canada gauged just how far the average business has come in ensuring healthy buildings for its workers and the direction the near future will take. Top findings revealed a keen interest in healthy buildings initiatives and exactly what that means to companies today.

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