OpenBlue Net Zero Buildings: Pulse Survey


Johnson Controls surveyed more than 1,000 firms in North America on their efforts to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption. The outcome shows the importance of net zero in the corporate mindset. It reveals over 90% of companies have significant 2030 onward goals to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption. Data centers have the most ambitious goals followed by lodging and education.

1,041 out of 1,046 companies we interviewed are actively on the path to net zero. The challenges they face are many and vary considerably from industry to industry and organization to organization. Investors are driving sustainability requirements with approximately $12Tn of assets now managed by ESG investors, growing at around 21% p.a. since 2012 (US). Customer expectations are shifting too, with 50% of consumers saying they’d pay more for sustainable products designed to be reused or recycled.

OpenBlue Net Zero Buildings as a Service is the proven path to achieving your decarbonization and renewable energy goals while optimizing your buildings performance.

The survey reveals firms also run into challenges with measuring emissions, the biggest being how to aggregate data from multiple sources. Digital solutions are needed to solve this and other measurement challenges.

OpenBlue Net Zero Buildings as a Service is the proven path to achieving your decarbonization and renewable energy goals while optimizing your buildings performance. We can save your company up to 50% in energy, with a 50% drop in CO2 emissions, while partnering with you on your renewable energy goals to get you to 100%.

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