Around-the-clock Alarm Verification and Management

We can help connect your video network seamlessly to a managed video solution that allows you to respond to critical events more efficiently and spot false alarms more easily. This should help protect all personnel and sensitive areas more effectively.

Remote Control

Remote video guard tours and video escort services let you see what's happening so you can be sure everything is under control.


Voice down capability and increased security through remote monitoring acts as an effective deterrent to employee theft—and supplies a visual record of any unusual activities.


Our systems conform to regulatory compliance including AHJ, FDA, and CFATS.

Johnson Controls' managed video solutions let you tap into a new world of security possibilities.

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Key Elements of a Managed Video Solution

Female worker in a safety helmet using a tab in a factory

Video Hardware

Discuss camera options, styles, and mounts.

Man and woman smiling and shaking hands with a female client in a conference room

Video Software

Low maintenance cost video management products with strong video analytics and integration capabilities.

Close-up of a person operating a tablet laid down on a table

Cloud Services

Globally scalable cloud video surveillance and IoT video systems through a single cloud portal.

woman using tablet side profile


By integrating your video security systems in new and smarter ways, we can help you take business intelligence to the next level.

Learn more about managed video solutions from our collective experience.

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Headshot of Greg Parker, Vice President of Innovation and Portfolio Management at Johnson Controls
Thought Leadership Security Commercial Office
Five Questions with Security Expert Greg Parker
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