PunchAlert puts an integrated safety communications platform in your hands

One-tap emergency button.

Notify your closest emergency responders.

Communicate privately with responders and staff.

Stay safe, Connected, and Informed

Most emergencies that occur in an organization are resolved by the on-site responders alone. In a more serious emergency, PunchAlert enables organizations to notify the nearest responders directly by simply pressing PunchAlert’s panic button. And, you can view and share safety tips and announcements from the surrounding community and organizations.

  • Automatically send emergency plans to everyone’s phone
  • Press the emergency button to notify your on-campus responders
  • Send emergency updates to entire organization or designated groups
  • Responders can chat privately with person who reported the emergency
  • Indoor and outdoor location tracking with beacons and geofencing
Four people wearing headphones with microphones looking into the camera

Contact us at +1 800 289 2647

We can help you with a solution tailored to your specific needs.

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Simplex networking and workstation solutions
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Case Study Sustainability Local Government
Fire and life safety installations

Comprehensive solutions to protect people, facilities, and assets

Cloud video
Secure, cloud-based video management solutions improve visibility into your business while you’re away and offer easy access from any connected device.
Hosted access control
Our cloud-based access control solution helps you remotely control access to all of your facilities.
Managed video
Turn to our video security specialists to provide 24/7 monitoring of your video network infrastructure and systems.
Mobile security management
Proactively manage your facility’s security, from building access to video surveillance, using your connected smartphone or tablet.

Innovative technologies, services, and support

Upwards shot of a skyscraper with glass windows at dusk

Security Maintenance and Support

Our service offerings provide high-quality support tailored to meet your requirements.

A metal ruler scale and a compass on a blue map

Design and Construction Solutions

Aligning data, technology, and processes to future-proof your new facilities.

Ariel view of a city during the day

Building Automation and Controls

Everything from simple, configurable controls to highly programmable automation systems.

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