Johnson Controls Robotics Sponsorship Program Guidelines

In schools where Johnson Controls employees volunteer, Johnson Controls will consider sponsorships for elementary, middle and high school robotics teams participating in FIRST Robotics, subject to available funds.


  • Only teams with Johnson Controls employees serving as volunteers are eligible. Johnson Controls volunteers can serve in any capacity with the program—coach or chaperone, for example, or have a volunteer leadership position with the school that oversees or drives the program. 
  • Public, private and charter schools are eligible for the sponsorship, within the funding parameters noted above. Other teams are eligible if they work with an accompanying eligible nonprofit organization. 
  • Personnel from the school or nonprofit organization overseeing the team should apply for the sponsorship, not the Johnson Controls employee who volunteers with the team. 
  • The entity listed on the application must be registered in Johnson Controls Benevity system. For many public and charter schools, this will be the foundation supporting the school, rather than the school itself. Private schools are often listed on their own. It is incumbent on the robotics program leadership to align with the nonprofit entity listed on the application to transfer funding, if needed. Check the Benevity site to see if your nonprofit organization (called cause) is registered.  
  • Funding may be used for anything connected to the program, but most often is used for the tools and supplies to create the robot. 
  • Funding levels are up to $1000 for teams involved in FIRST LEGO League and FIRST Tech Challenge and up to $3000 for teams involved in FIRST Robotics Competition. Multiple teams per school can apply for sponsorship, with a cap of $6000 per school. The sponsorship review committee reserves the right to determine funding levels. 
  • Teams may apply for one sponsorship per year, unless their team advances to a regional or national competition, in which case they can apply for a second sponsorship of up to $2,000. All funding is limited each year. 
  • If funding is approved, it will be disbursed in approximately 90 days following approval. 

Robotics Application