Confined Space Supervisors and Safety Observers

Understanding work environments

Even when you have on-site managers and rescue teams, you may identify a need for additional support and assistance. Johnson Controls can provide this support. As confined spaces can be created even by erecting a protective covering over a work area, the need for a Confined Space supervisor or observer may only be for a limited period. Nevertheless, your business has a duty to provide an on-site supervisor and safety observer while work is undertaken.

In our experience, it is these roles that are often underestimated and in many cases, inappropriate personnel are used which can result in confusion, or worse, an accident. To uphold a safe working practice, it is imperative that expertise and experience are critical components. All our site supervisors and safety observers are experienced and fully trained and will work in line with your teams.

Experienced Confined Space Experts

All of our team members are recruited from the emergency services to ensure that they are trained and practised in working in confined spaces and dealing with trauma.

On-site Confined Space Management

We always work with the philosophy of "No Compromise On Safety" to reduce the risk of an incident or personnel injury to an absolute minimum.

Specialised Confined Space Support Team

To contact our specialised Confined Space team, either use the contact us form on this website, email us at or call us on +44 (0) 1493 440500.

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