Understanding work environments

A “Confined Space” is an area which is partially or fully enclosed, where there is a risk or serious injury or death from dangerous conditions such as lack of oxygen, potential release of toxic gases or flammable atmospheres.

At Johnson Controls, our approach to confined space management is simple and is driven by the desire to prevent accidents from occurring. Our experienced on-site managers, supervisors and rescue teams set the benchmark for confined space safety. We have over fifteen years of experience working in and with confined spaces, providing services to clients from the Oil and Gas, Power, Pharmaceutical and Waste Management industries.

Planning and management

We always work with the philosophy of "No Compromise On Safety" to reduce the risk of an incident or personnel injury to an absolute minimum.

Confined space specialists

All of our team members are recruited from the emergency services to ensure that they are trained and practiced in working in confined spaces and dealing with trauma.

Specialized confined space support team

To contact our specialized Confined Space team, either use the contact us form on this website, email us at tfis.gtysales.uk@tycoint.com or call us on +44 (0) 1493 440500.
Close-up of two fishermen gathering a fishing net in a boat at sunrise

Amendment to merchant shipping and fishing vessels regulations 2022: Entry into enclosed spaces

Did you know that there are new regulations in place for shipping and fishing vessels concerning confined space training, portable gas detection supplies and breathing apparatus supplies?

Learn more


We offer a wide range of confined space solutions in order to meet customer needs globally.

Stay one step ahead with news and insights from our Confined Space Management experts.

A man in safety gear coming out of a manhole cover
Product Brochure Digital Solutions
Confined Space Entry Management and Support
A man in an orange biohazard suit
Feature Story Fire Detection Oil and Gas
No Compromise to Safety in Confined Spaces

Please contact us to discuss your requirements with one of our specialists

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