Water, Wastewater and Bioenergy
Comprehensive Approaches to Water Resource Management
Leverage inefficiencies by capturing and redirecting lost revenue to offset project expenses. Wasted water and wasted energy are wasted cost.
Validate and guarantee water and energy savings.
We ensure smooth project execution and guarantee that you achieve and maintain your expected long-term project benefits.
Water Is What We Do
The Johnson Controls Water Group supports projects across North America and specializes in five core service areas.
1. Water Loss Reduction Programs
- Comprehensive water meter replacement programs to improve meter accuracy and water meter capture
- Meter reading system overhauls (full-scale AMI / AMR implementation, utility billing analysis, customer web portals)
- Automatic leak detection system o Installation management and utility billing integration
2. Wastewater Treatment Plant Solutions
- Aeration system improvements (diffusers, controls, blowers)
- Pump efficiency improvements
- Digester and biogas utilization improvements
- Solids handling improvements
- Heat capture and recovery
- SCADA integration and upgrades
- Electrical efficiency improvement projects, including replacement of motors, VFDs, MCCs, and smart voltage monitoring
3. Biogas Utilization and Renewables
- Combined heat and power (CHP)
- Renewable natural gas (RNG)
- Biogas conversion to compressed natural gas for vehicle fueling o Landfill GCCS optimization studies
- FOG receiving to boost biogas at WWTPs
4. Water Treatment / Distribution Energy Efficiency Solutions
- Raw water pumping efficiency improvements
- High-service pumps efficiency improvements and zone-based pressure control
- Filter replacement
5. Water Efficiency Programs
- High-efficiency fixtures
- Smart irrigation systems and controls
- Rainwater harvesting
Case Studies
Learn more about our work
BlueWater WebinarTo provide you with the most flexibility and meet your needs, Johnson Controls can evaluate and offer a number of innovative funding solutions:
Extend the Reach of your Optimization Investment
The Johnson Controls water team benefits from the support of the broader Johnson Controls sustainable infrastructure team, which includes local and national specialists in these other key focus areas: