Low-carbon, energy-efficient products​

At Johnson Controls, we’re leading with sustainable products and services across three strategic pillars: energy efficiency, low-GWP refrigerants and embodied carbon.

Why focus on low carbon, energy-efficient products?

Heating, cooling and ventilation operations are responsible for over 50% of energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings. This is a significant share of the nearly 40% of global GHG emissions attributed to the built environment.

By making these systems more energy-efficient, we can help cut emissions, lower our customers’ energy costs and support the shift to a zero-carbon energy future.

Energy efficiency

We have a market-leading portfolio of energy-efficient HVAC products, many of which exceed regulatory and market requirements by 30% or more. We're always working to boost efficiency – by upgrading existing products, launching new ones, helping customers choose the best options and promoting our highest efficiency products.

Spotlight: YORK® YVAM and CYK chillers

The YORK® YVAM air-cooled chiller reduces overall power consumption by 40% annually while still delivering the same cooling capacity as other available solutions, allowing data centers to significantly reduce power usage and expense while also helping reach sustainability goals.

The CYK heat pump chiller, on the other hand, can achieve a coefficient of performance (COP) as high as 8.0. This means it produces eight times the working energy it consumes, while providing simultaneous heating and cooling, with hot water temperatures of up to 170°F. At these temperatures, our heat pumps can take on hard-to-abate end uses, such as space heating in complex commercial buildings and industrial process heating.

Low GWP refrigerants

We are transitioning to low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants and already provide options that can reduce GWP by 78% to more than 99%. We're also investing in solutions to drive those reductions further while maintaining product safety and performance.

Leading the global phase-out of HFCs

Many refrigerants used in today’s HVAC products are hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) fluids that don't harm the ozone layer, but can have high global warming potential (GWP). Phasing out these HFC emissions globally could reduce the global temperature rise by 0.5°F by 2050. We have helped to lead the global phase-out of HFC use.

Spotlight: Ultra-low GWP chillers

We launched new chillers with the ultra-low (<10) GWP refrigerant R-1234ze for the North American market, complementing our existing applied and industrial refrigeration products that utilize the refrigerants R-1233zd, R-290 (propane), R-717 (CO2), R-718 (water) and R-744 (ammonia).

The YORK® YZ Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Chiller is a revolutionary advancement that is optimized for ultimate performance with a next-generation, low-GWP refrigerant, delivering exceptional efficiency and operation.

Embodied carbon

Embodied carbon represents the carbon emissions released during the lifecycle of materials, including extraction, manufacturing, transport, construction, and disposal. Embodied carbon is responsible for approximately 25% of a building’s carbon footprint. This share is expected to rise as we continue to make strides in product energy efficiency and the deployment of zero-carbon energy.

Our product teams are utilizing the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) TM65 methodology to estimate the embodied carbon in our finished products. Now, we can estimate the carbon emissions of nearly any product at every stage of its life, from production to disposal.


The embodied carbon of our YORK YVAM Air-Cooled Magnetic-Bearing Centrifugal Chiller is 44% lower than a conventional chiller.